Sinus infection: What are the potential dangers?

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A sinus infection is caused by bacteria which is readily managed with prescribed antibiotics. In rare instances, a sinus infection might progress to dangerous complications if not correctly treated.

It is important to note that a sinus infection causes swelling and inflammation of the sinus cavity which leads to significant congestion and difficulty breathing due to common cold or allergies.

Individuals with chronic sinusitis face a higher risk for ending up with dangerous complications. Some of the dangers of a sinus infection include meningitis, osteomyelitis and eye socket infection.


A dangerous condition that arises from a sinus infection is meningitis. This is an infection around the brain that results to swelling and pressure on the brain and spinal cord.

Almost all cases of sinus infections affect the eyes with minimal pain, throbbing and sensitivity due to the pressure behind the eye.

This is a serious condition that can result to death. The viral form is managed with drugs and improvement is seen in just a few days. As for the bacterial form, it is severe and arise abruptly and difficult to treat. If the individual has personality changes, visual complications, seizures, confusion, coma, severe headaches and altered consciousness, seek immediate medical care.


This is a bone infection caused by fungus or bacteria. Young men face a higher risk for developing osteomyelitis due to a sinus infection.

In rare instances, an infection in the sinus cavity might affect the bones adjacent the sinuses such as the cheek bone and forehead bone. The usual indications might go unnoticed since they are the same as the signs of sinusitis which include a headache, fever and swelling in the forehead.

Infection of the eye socket

Almost all cases of sinus infections affect the eyes with minimal pain, throbbing and sensitivity due to the pressure behind the eye. In rare instances, a sinus infection might involve the eye socket where it is called as orbital infection.

This is a serious form of infection that can lead to permanent damage if left untreated. The infection can cause loss of sight, inability to control eye movement and blindness. A doctor should be seen at the initial sign of intense eye pain or drainage of mucus secretions via the eyes.

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