Should I get a booster for typhoid when travelling?

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It is important to note that typhoid fever is already rare in developed countries and most of the recorded cases every year are due to international travel. The Salmonella typhi bacterium is responsible for causing this condition which involves abdominal pain, high fever and headache. Take note that it can be fatal in some cases but can be very unpleasant.

Being vaccinated or had a previous inoculation booster will not ensure full protection from typhoid but will greatly reduce the risk of developing the condition.

Travel destinations

It is recommended to get a vaccination or booster shot if travelling to a destination where typhoid is considered prevalent. This usually includes most developing countries but recently the latest hotspots for the disease include Africa, Asia and Latin America. It is best to check the specific travel location to determine the latest recommendations for typhoid as well as other immunizations required before the departure date.

The Salmonella typhi bacterium is responsible for causing typhoid which involves abdominal pain, high fever and headache.

Previous vaccinations

In most cases, the doctor will recommend a booster shot if the most recent vaccination of the individual was already several years ago. The length of time involved usually depends on the vaccines that the individual originally received. The Ty21a vaccine is administered through a series of four capsules that must be boosted by a fresh course every five years. If the vaccination was given as an injection, it should be boosted every two years. A doctor should be consulted if the individual is unsure of his/her vaccine.

Procedure of the vaccination

Unlike with other vaccines, the typhoid inoculation can be done in a span of a number of weeks of the date of departure of the individual. If the individual decides to go for the Ty21a vaccine, he/she must gulp four capsules that must be taken 2 days apart. Essentially, the individual must complete the course more than a week prior to the travelling date. As for the injectable vaccine, it only involves one injection but the individual should ensure that it is administered at least two weeks in advance prior the departure date.

Before planning a trip, it is best to plan ahead and always consider the potential diseases that can be acquired, especially typhoid. Always remember that being prepared is better so that any diseases can be avoided while travelling.

Additional precautions to bear in mind

Being vaccinated against typhoid is vital but while the individual is travelling, there are additional measures to observe to protect against typhoid fever. It is important to drink only bottled water that has been boiled. It is best to avoid eating raw vegetables and fruits that were not peeled or washed. Always make sure that the food eaten has been cooked thoroughly and avoid buying food from street vendors. By enrolling in a first aid course, you can learn ways to help ease the symptoms during the course of the illness.

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