How to manage cramps in the leg and feet

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It is important to note that cramps in the leg and calf can prevent an individual from running or engaging in any form of physical activity. The leg cramps can even awaken individuals who are asleep without any warning. Always bear in mind that cramps can occur even in the feet and toes aside from the leg muscles. In most cases, an individual can be given immediate relief to control the pain caused by a cramp, but it is also important to learn ways in order to prevent them from occurring in the first place.

Leg and calf cramps

An instant remedy for calf cramps is to assist the individual to stand on the affected leg and lean forward gently to stretch the muscle. The individual should maintain the stretch until the cramping vanishes. The individual should also stop exercising, move to a cooler area and rest the affected leg. Do not forget to provide water or sports drink to help rehydrate the body. Always remember that heat and stress will worsen the leg or calf cramps. You can perform a gentle massage on the leg in the direction of the muscle and provide an anti-inflammatory such as ibuprofen or aspirin. You can learn more about pain management measures by enrolling in a class on first aid today.

If an individual is running and suddenly experiences a cramp in the foot or toe, he/she must stop and rest the affected foot.

The hamstring and quadriceps muscle cramps can be severe and tends to last longer. Always bear in mind that prevention is vital in avoiding these cramps. The individual should also warm up before these large leg muscles are used and drink plenty of fluids.

Foot and toe cramps

If an individual is running and suddenly experiences a cramp in the foot or toe, he/she must stop and rest the affected foot. The shoes must be removed and gently pull the toe outwards away from the foot. You can massage the foot or toe outward in the direction of the muscle to provide relief right away. If you will rub across the muscle, it will only make the cramps worse. If possible, you can cool the feet. If there is a source of water nearby such as a stream or lake, you can dip the foot in the water.

The individual should also rehydrate the body with a sports drink. Once the cramp diminishes, it is safe for the individual to continue running. Medical care is only needed if the cramps do not seem to subside.

General remedies for cramps

Individuals who consume magnesium, calcium, vitamins E, B and D claimed to experience a reduction in muscle cramps but others do not find these supplements beneficial. This is due to the different causes of muscles cramps. You can also use cold packs or hot packs to provide relief to the cramps.


One of the few treatments that can help reduce nocturnal cramps is quinine. Take note that quinine is present in low amounts in tonic water. With this in mind, the individual can drink 8-16 ounces at night as a simple remedy.

There are also prescription medications readily available for muscle cramps but they are not suitable as a long-term remedy. Pregnant women and those with serious health issues must not exercise under the heat since this can cause a cramp to occur. Take note that pregnancy can also deplete the body of magnesium that can lead to cramps.

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