Heart palpitations due to beer

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Heart palpitations that develop after consuming beer indicate anaphylaxis which is a systemic reaction that affects the whole body. It is important to note that beer contains grains, sulfites and alcohol that can instigate an allergic response.

Once the individual experiences an increase in the heart rate after consuming beer, a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible. If the individual experiences a severe allergic reaction, he/she might end up with life-threatening symptoms. The individual should avoid consumption of beer until a doctor can be consulted for proper assessment of the condition.


Heart palpitations
Once an individual has barley, wheat or rye allergy, the heart palpitations and increased heart rate might be due to the grain proteins utilized in the production of beer.

Anaphylaxis that develops after consuming beer can develop due to various conditions. This is a severe reaction but considered rare and instigated by an allergen that the body perceives as a threat or dangerous substance.

Anaphylaxis is likely the result of certain medications, food or even insect bites. During a severe allergic reaction, the body generates histamine and other chemicals that are capable of triggering inflammation. The soft tissues become tight and swollen and results to further complications such as inability to breathe, faint pulse, elevated heart rate and abrupt drop in the blood pressure.


Sulfites are chemicals that are typically used in the production of wine and beer as a preservative to stop the beverage from changing color. At the present, there has been restrictions placed on sulfites for use in vegetables and fruits but they are still allowed in beverages.

An individual might have an allergic reaction or sensitivity to sulfites that can instigate anaphylaxis to develop. Always bear in mind that an allergic reaction can trigger the production of immunoglobulin E antibodies (IgE) while a generalized sensitivity might only trigger digestive issues.

Allergy to grain

Beer is produced from grains. Once an individual has barley, wheat or rye allergy, the heart palpitations and increased heart rate might be due to the grain proteins utilized in the production of beer. When beer is ingested, the immune system accidentally perceives the proteins in the beverage as allergens. An attack is triggered using the IgE antibodies which lead to a flood of chemicals in the body. Understandably, this sends the body into a state of shock.

Alcohol intolerance

Even though alcohol intolerance is not considered as an allergic reaction, it can also result to anaphylaxis. Alcohol intolerance is described as inability of the body to properly digest and absorb alcohol.

This condition can lead to nasal congestion, runny nose, itchy skin, asthma, nasal congestion, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, abdominal pain and an elevated heart rate. Consumption of beer can instigate the symptoms of this intolerance that might result to heart palpitations. The treatment for this severe reaction might include the administration of epinephrine which is a synthetic adrenaline that can restore the body to its normal function.

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