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Lymphadenitis involves inflammation of the lymph nodes that results to swelling and tenderness. The lymph nodes are part of the lymphatic system which is a component of the immune system.

The inflamed lymph nodes might arise due to infections or non-infectious causes. If suspected with the condition, the nodes become swollen close to the site of an underlying infection, tumor or inflammation.

What are the indications?

The characteristic symptom of lymphadenitis is swelling that is accompanied by tender skin on or around the affected lymph node. In some cases, the condition might be painless depending on the underlying cause. The condition might be limited to a single area or generalized.

The common indications of lymphadenitis include the following:

  • Itchy skin
    The characteristic symptom of lymphadenitis is swelling that is accompanied by tender skin on or around the affected lymph node.
  • Hard, swollen or tender lymph nodes
  • Rash
  • Mass or lump that can be felt around the skin
  • Warmth, redness or swelling

Risk factors

The usual factors that increases the risk for lymphadenitis depends on the cause for the inflammation and underlying condition. Having frequent infections is one factor that heightens the risk for developing lymphadenitis.


Lymphadenitis is oftentimes linked to conditions that can be contagious and spread from one individual to another. The treatment is based on the underlying cause.

The doctor might prescribe various forms of medications to manage the condition such as:

  • Analgesics or pain medications for pain relief
  • Anti-inflammatory medications to minimize the inflammation and swelling
  • Antibiotics to manage the underlying infection

Other medications might be prescribed which is based on the exact cause of the condition.

The doctor might also suggest other measures to manage some of the symptoms of lymphadenitis such as applying a moist, cool compress to minimize the inflammation and even surgery to drain an abscess if needed.

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