Folliculitis decalvans

How to prevent motion sickness

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Even though most think that motion sickness typically occurs while riding on a boat, it can also occur among children in an airplane, car, rollercoaster or even watching a rapid-paced moved, especially in 3D.

What are the indications?

The signs and symptoms typically include the following:

  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Sweating

In most cases, parents will also notice that the child appears pale.

Preventive measures

Parents usually consult a doctor before a vacation especially if it involves a long car ride or cruise for medications to control or prevent motion sickness. It is important to note that the scopolamine patches that are used by adults are not recommended for children.

Motion sickness
Even though motion sickness on cruises and long road trips does not surprise most, you might not expect it to occur during short trips.

Children over 2 years old can be given Dramamine which is an over-the-counter antihistamine that works by preventing the symptoms of motion sickness. This medication is available in tablet form and convenient for young children who could not swallow pills. If this medication is used, do not provide the child with other antihistamines at the same time. A common side effect of the medication to watch out for is drowsiness. Additionally, Benadryl is another type of antihistamine that can help with the condition.

What to do for motion sickness during short rides?

Even though motion sickness on cruises and long road trips does not surprise most, you might not expect it to occur during short trips. Take note that this is a common issue though.

Motion sickness can affect young children even during short rides such as across town or to the grocery store. In such cases, there are various measures that can be used to check which one works such as the following:

  • Do not allow the child to read, watch movies or play video games while riding in a car to avoid excess sensory input
  • Avoid big meals before travelling
  • Keep the child distracted by having him/her listen to music or audio books
  • Keep the child properly hydrated
  • Encourage the child to look at things outside the vehicle such as in the distance

In case the condition persists to become a routine issue for the child, it is best to set an appointment with a doctor.

Link between motion sickness and migraines

Many experts conclude that there is a link between motion sickness and migraines. If migraines run in the family, even if the child has not started to experience one, he/she is at risk for motion sickness.

In case the child already has migraine headaches, it is likely that he/she would end up with motion sickness as well.

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